Monday, June 28, 2010

By this river (Brian Eno)

Here we are
Stuck by this river,
You and I
Underneath a sky that's ever falling down, down, down
Ever falling down.

Through the day
As if on an ocean
Waiting here,
Always failing to remember why we came, came, came:
I wonder why we came.

You talk to me
as if from a distance
And I reply
With impressions chosen from another time, time, time,
From another time.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sodade (Dulce Pontes & Kepa Junkera)

Quem mostro'b
Ess caminho longe?
Quem mostro'b
Ess caminho longe?
Ess caminho
Pa São Tomé
Sodade sodade sodade
Dess nha terra d’São Nicolau
Si bo t'screve'm
M’ta screve'b
Si bo t'squece'm
M’ta squece'b
Até dia
Ke bo volta
Sodade sodade sodade
Dess nha terra d’São Nicolau

¿Quién te mostrará
ese largo camino?
¿Quién te mostrara
ese largo camino?
Ese camino
para Santo Tomás
Tristeza tristeza
Esa tierra de San Nicolás
Si tú me escribes
yo te escribiré
Si tú me olvidas
yo te olvidaré
hasta el día
que tú regreses.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Close my eyes (Ólöf Arnalds)

I close my eyes and listen
To hear the corn come out
Don't you hear the stars they glisten
As we go in and out

Down where the trees grow together
And the western path comes to an end
See the sign it says clear weather
I'll meet you tonight, my friend

Will the corn be growing a little tonight
As I wait in the fields for you
Who knows what grows in the morning light
When we can feel the watery dew

I just can't be there with no other
I know those hills will be true
Away from my sister and brother
Down through the grasses so new

The air is sweet and steady
And flowers bloom out of sight
I know the sky is ready
Come meet me down here tonight

Will the corn be growing a little tonight
As I wait in the fields for you
Who knows what grows in the morning light
As we can feel the watery dew

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Atalaia (Sorotan Bele)

Atalaia. Sorotan Bele

Goiz batean esnatu nintzen
atalaiaren gainean
itsasoruntz begiratu nuen
hantxe zegoen balea.

Oihu garrasiz hasi nintzen
sorbaldan hartuz trainera
balearuntz boga genuen
olatu uhinen gainean.

Atalaiaren gainean, aupegia euriz bustia
goiz ilun hartan irten ginen herri hartan ziren
gizonik indartsu eta mutil gazterik trebeenak.

Amorru biziz bota genuen
sokaz loturik arpoia
gupidarik ez genuen izan
haren bizitza akatzean.

Kaian algaraka hasi ginen
gure saria ikustean
bale kume bat agertu zen
eta erre zizkigun bihotzak

* * *

Una mañana me levanté
encima de la atalaya
mire hacia el mar
allí estaba la ballena.

empecé a gritar airadamente
cogiendo la trainera al hombro
remamos hacia la ballena
por encima de las olas.

encima de la atalaya, con la cara mojada por la lluvia
en esa oscura mañana de ese pueblo salimos
los hombres mas fuertes y los jóvenes mas hábiles.

con gran fuerza lanzamos
el arpón atado a una cuerda
no tuvimos compasión
al acabar con su vida.

en el puerto empezamos a celebrarlo
al ver nuestro premio
apareció una cría de ballena
y ardieron nuestros corazones.